Gord Reynolds, Utility & Energy Consultant
Hello, I’m Gord Reynolds, an energy consultant and utility industry veteran with over 20 years of hands-on leadership experience. My first role out of school was as a Powerline Technician. I started my career climbing hydro poles and keeping customers happy. I don’t climb as many poles these days but I strive and continue, to make clients happy.
I’ve held a variety of senior roles with leading North American energy and utility services organizations including business development, solution development and program management on the demand, supply and delivery side. My role as Managing Director is to oversee implementation and operation of all new business initiatives within the Utility Sector in Canada.
As the chief strategist, advisor and decision-maker, I’m charged with planning, directing and enhancing business activities throughout the sector. In this critical role, I’m responsible for cultivating new business opportunities by developing, leading and sustaining strong relationships with all partners and stakeholders. I’m also responsible for overseeing the “Go-To-Market” plan and client-facing resources – and ensuring that results exceed client expectations, meet project deadlines and are completed in line with Battersea’s standards, procedures and core values.
Very focused on the Digital Utility Transformation, I’ve led planning and delivery of a number of high profile programs, including territory-wide Hydro One and BC Hydro Programs and their field service strategies serving 4m residential and small business customers.
At Battersea we say “The best way for us to work for you is to work with you” and I’ve seen our collaborative approach proven to be highly effective time after time. Our four key elements of collaboration (targeting value, mitigating risk, optimizing capabilities and aligning the organization) show us an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, needs, and priorities. In a nutshell, we collaborate with our clients to achieve better, faster, and more sustainable results.
Technology is advancing, borders are disappearing and competition is intensifying, we help you to be ready to respond to complex and unpredictable challenges, to become more agile and competitive. If you would like to know more about how we can help, protect and improve your business, do get in touch with me today.
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