How We Do It

Utility Consulting Services To Help You Innovate & Lead

Utility Consulting ServicesYour company is unique… Your solutions should be too.

In collaborating with leading utility companies on successful initiatives across the world, Battersea has found that no two initiatives are exactly the same — and cookie-cutter approaches simply won’t work.

In our view, every utility company is unique, and that’s why Battersea offers a range of utility consulting services that are tailored to each client’s needs:

  • Implementation Support – Reduce the risks associated with implementing new business and operational systems through effective project support and implementation expertise
  • Process Improvement – Develop and document business process and internal control improvements to increase efficiency and transparency
  • Risk Assessment – Benchmark and develop recommendations related to risk and policies and procedures
  • Compliance Program – Develop compliance programs and technologies to help meet NERC, FERC and emissions/REC, and carbon compliance goals
  • Energy Markets – Assist clients in understanding the different market designs and rules and develop strategies and market solutions to navigate the components of the markets successfully
  • Smart Energy – Develop solutions for asset management, outage coordination, demand response and system reliability analysis, and assist in Smart Grid system planning, Smart Grid operations management, Smart Grid data management, and IT infrastructure requirements

Closing the Gap

In addition to these consulting services, Battersea offers the utility industry’s most comprehensive gap analysis services that enable our clients to identify and remediate gaps between strategic business requirements and the current situation.  In fact, by collaborating with our experienced professionals, your organization can — and will:

  • Gain an understanding of the business strategy, markets and products, organization structure, growth expectations, and current supporting infrastructure
  • Develop and document “as-is” business processes and system maps
  • Gain an understanding of business objectives and the extent to which current systems and processes support achieving these objectives
  • Identify and prioritize functionality, process and infrastructure gaps impacting current or planned business activities
  • Develop plans clarifying future state and projects to close the gap

The bottom line?  Some typical outputs of a Gap Analysis include:

  • Alternative scenarios of applications infrastructure and process approaches that can support the business vision, with high-level strengths and weaknesses for consideration; business process “to-be” documentation
  • Recommendations for short-term, medium-term, and long-term implementation projects to close the gaps
  • Business cases and cost estimates
  • Governance models, project plans and supporting documents

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